Win32Forth Version 6.06

List of all CODE and COLON definitions.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

- W -

NAME Stack Comment File
W! ( w1 a1 -- ) store word (16bit) w1 into address a1 Fkernel.f
W!-C ( word taddr -- ) Meta.f
W!-H ( word taddr -- ) Meta.f
W!-T ( word taddr -- ) Meta.f
W#+> ( n1 n2 -- ) store word n1 into element n2 Primutil.f
W#-> ( n1 n2 -- ) store word n1 into element n2 Primutil.f
W, Meta.f
W,-C ( w -- ) Meta.f
W,-H ( w -- ) Meta.f
W,-T ( w -- ) Meta.f
W@ ( a1 -- w1 ) fetch the word (16bit) w1 from address a1 Fkernel.f
W@-C ( taddr -- word ) Meta.f
W@-H ( taddr -- word ) Meta.f
W@-T ( taddr -- word ) Meta.f
W+! ( w1 a1 -- ) add word (16bit) w1 to the contents of address a1 Fkernel.f
W8F ( addr op -- addr' ) DIS486.F
WAIT ( -- ) Fkernel.f
WAIT-EACHTASK ( -- ) wait for each task taskdemo.f
WATCH ( -- ) install a watch commandline Debug.f
WBMACRO ( "name ccc" -- ) fcp101.f
WCOUNT ( str -- addr len ) word counted strings Fkernel.f
WCOUNT ( str -- addr len ) word counted strings primcode.f
WEB ( -- ) open the Web link specified, using the Web browser Utils.f
WF Debug.f
WF1 ( addr -- addr' ) DIS486.F
WF2 ( addr -- addr' ) DIS486.F
WF3 ( addr -- addr' ) DIS486.F
WF4 ( addr -- addr' ) DIS486.F
WGLCREATECONTEXT ( hdc - hdrc ) Opengl.f
WGLDELETECONTEXT ( hrc - flag ) Opengl.f
WGLMAKECURRENT ( hdc hrc - flag ) Opengl.f
WGLUSEFONTBITMAPS ( ghdc 1st_char #chars baselist - ) Opengl.f
WGLUSEFONTOUTLINES { ghdc first count listBase format lpgmf - } Opengl.f
WHERE ( -- ) tell me WHERE the source for a word is Utils.f
WHILE Fkernel.f
WHITE-MOVE ( move$ count -- ) for forcing a sequence of moves fcp_inputwin.f
WHITE_LETTERS ( - ) fcp3d.f
WHITE_PIECE ( - ) fcp3d.f
WHITE_SQUARE ( - ) fcp3d.f
WIN-PASTE-LOAD ( wParam lParam -- wParam lParam ) Keysave.f
WIN-SET-BREAKPOINT { wParam lParam \ bp$ -- wParam lParam } MAPFILE.F
WIN32S? ( -- f1 ) Retained for compatability -- deprecated Winlib.f
WIN95? ( -- f1 ) Retained for compatability -- deprecated Winlib.f
WIN98? ( -- f1 ) Retained for compatability -- deprecated Winlib.f
WINCLOCK { \ c-width c-height -- } WINCLOCK.F
WINCON-NUMBER? ( a1 n1 f1 -- d1 TRUE | a1 n1 FALSE ) Winlib.f
WINDOW-LINES ( -- n1 ) Wined.f
WINDOW-MODE ( - ) Fullscreen.f
WINED ( -- ) Wined.f
WINED-INIT ( -- ) Wined.f
WINED_CALC_FONT_HEIGHT ( --- points_high ) Wined.f
WINED_WIN32FORTH-MESSAGE ( lParam wParam -- ) send message to forth console Wined.f
WINEDIT-CLICK { \ cursor-row -- } Wined.f
WINEDIT-DBLCLICK ( -- ) highlight the current word Wined.f
WINEDIT-TRACK { \ cursor-row excess -- } Wined.f
WINEDIT-UNCLICK ( -- ) Wined.f
WINEDITW-CLICK ( -- ) Wined.f
WINEDITW-DBLCLICK ( -- ) highlight the current word Wined.f
WINEDITW-TRACK ( -- ) Wined.f
WINLIBRARY ( 'name.DLL' -- ) usage: WinLibrary user32.dll Fkernel.f
WINLIBRARY ( -- ) Meta.f
WINPAUSE ( -- ) release control to OS for a moment Fkernel.f
WINVER-INIT ( -- n ) get windows version Primutil.f
WIPE ( n1 -- ) erase the specified block to blanks BLOCK.F
WIPE Opengl.f
WITH-IMG ( -- ) force FSAVE to create an .IMG file Utils.f
WITH-SOURCE ( -- ) Debug.f
WITHIN ( n1 low high -- f1 ) f1=true if ((n1 >= low) & (n1 < high)) Fkernel.f
WITHOUT-SOURCE ( -- ) Debug.f
WM: ( WM_MESSAGE -- ) WM_CLOSE WM: Super Class.f
WM_WIN32FOR-INIT ( -- ) Window.f
WNDPROCERROR ( error_value cfa -- 0 ) Window.f
WNUM? ( - d flag ) TOOLSET.F
WORD ( char -- addr ) Fkernel.f
WORD@MOUSE" ( -- a1 n1 ) Utils.f
WORD@MOUSE>KEYBOARD ( -- ) send word at mouse to keyboard Utils.f
WORD-ARRAY ( n1 -- ) compile time Primutil.f
WORD-COUNT-FILE { sadr slen \ spath$ smask$ -- } Wined.f
WORD-DELETE ( -- ) Wined.f
WORD-JOIN ( low high -- n1 ) join the high and low 16bit quantities Fkernel.f
WORD-LEFT ( -- ) Wined.f
WORD-LINK ( -- ) let user type in a word to link to Wined.f
WORD-RIGHT ( -- ) Wined.f
WORD-SPLIT ( u1 -- low high ) split the unsigned 32bit u1 into its high Fkernel.f
WORD-STR-INST ( word string instructions ) 486ASM.F
WORD-UNDELETE ( -- ) Wined.f
WORDLIST ( -- wid ) Order.f
WORDNAME { arg1 arg2 \ loc1 loc2 loc3$ -- result } ARGS.F
WRAP? ( n1 -- f1 ) return true if column n1 crosses into the Primutil.f
WRITE-FILE ( adr slen fileid -- ior ) Fkernel.f
WRITE-LINE ( adr len fileid -- ior ) Fkernel.f
WRITE-TEXT ( buffer -- ) dfc.F
WRITE.ONENAME ( a1 n1 -- ) add string to index if shorter than 32 chars HYPER.F
WRITE_BLOCK ( n1 n2 --- ) write block n1 to disk BLOCK.F
WRITEPRIVATEPROFILESTRING ( lpAppName lpKeyName lpString lpFileName - flag ) TOOLSET.F
WSCAN ( adr len word -- adr' len' ) Fkernel.f
WSCAN ( adr len word -- adr' len' ) primcode.f
WSKIP ( adr len word -- adr' len' ) Fkernel.f
WSKIP ( adr len word -- adr' len' ) primcode.f

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
Created on June 22nd, 2003 by Dirk Busch.