Win32Forth Version 6.06

List of all CODE and COLON definitions.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

- G -

NAME Stack Comment File
G. ( f: r -- ) FLOAT.F
GEN fcp101.f
GEN-WIN3DIBFILE ( name count width height #bytes/pixel nrgbquad - width height total-file-size vadr ) BMPDOT.F
GENADJACENT ( sq dir -- sq ) almost identical to genCapAdjacent fcp101.f
GENB fcp101.f
GENCAPADJACENT ( sq dir -- sq ) fcp101.f
GENCAPS fcp101.f
GENCAPSB fcp101.f
GENCAPSDP fcp101.f
GENCAPSK fcp101.f
GENCAPSLIDER ( sq dir -- sq ) slide to edge or other piece fcp101.f
GENCAPSLP ( sq -- sq ) fcp101.f
GENCAPSN fcp101.f
GENCAPSQ fcp101.f
GENCAPSR fcp101.f
GENCAPSSQ ( sq -- sq ) fcp101.f
GENCASTLE fcp101.f
GENDP fcp101.f
GENDPCAPTURES ( sq -- sq ) fcp101.f
GENEP fcp101.f
GENERATE-MOVE ( - ) fcp_inputwin.f
GENERATE-PREFIXES ( generate necessary prefixes ) 486ASM.F
GENERIC-ENTRY2 ( generic entry sequence for two operand instructions ) 486ASM.F
GENERIC-FP-ENTRY1 ( generic entry sequence for fp inst that take one memory ) 486ASM.F
GENERIC_CONTROL { txt-addr txt-len identifier classID xpos ypos xsize ysize -- } DIALOGRC.F
GENK fcp101.f
GENK fcp101.f
GENLP ( sq -- sq ) fcp101.f
GENLPCAPTURES ( sq -- sq ) fcp101.f
GENN fcp101.f
GENN fcp101.f
GENNIL fcp101.f
GENPUSH ( mv -- ) fcp101.f
GENPUSHCAPTURE ( mv -- ) most-valuable-victim least-valuable-attacker fcp101.f
GENPUSHEMPTY ( from to -- from ) fcp101.f
GENPUSHPROMOTIONS ( mv -- ) fcp101.f
GENPUTMOVE ( score mv -- ) genStack[firstMove[ply+1]++] = mv+score fcp101.f
GENQ fcp101.f
GENR fcp101.f
GENSIZE* fcp101.f
GENSLIDER ( sq dir -- sq dest ) gen moves until edge or other piece fcp101.f
GENSQ ( sq -- sq ) fcp101.f
GET#TO'>' ( a1 n1 -- a2 n2 n3 ) Wined.f
GET$ ( inifile section key - Inifile profile$ ) TOOLSET.F
GET-AD-SIZE ( get the current address size, default is default-size ) 486ASM.F
GET-BITMAP get-color-array ( hbm hdcMem #ScanLines - ) BMPIO.F
GET-COMMANDLINE ( -- ) initialize TIB from the commandline Primutil.f
GET-CONTEXT ( hdc-pixmap - ) Opengl.f
GET-COPIES ( -- n1 ) Primutil.f
GET-COPIES ( -- n1 ) xprtdlg.f
GET-CURRENT ( -- wid ) Order.f
GET-CURSOR ( -- cursor-height ) get the cursor height Primutil.f
GET-CURSOR-LINE ( -- ) get the current line from file Wined.f
GET-DC ( -- ) Window.f
GET-DIALOG ( -- ) Wined.f
GET-DOS-ACCESS-DATETIME ( -- ;convert 64 bit file time to MS_DOS ) ANSFILE.F
GET-DOS-CREATE-DATETIME ( -- ;convert 64 bit file time to MS_DOS ) ANSFILE.F
GET-DOS-WRITE-DATETIME ( -- ;convert 64 bit file time to MS_DOS ) ANSFILE.F
GET-DT-SIZE ( get the current data size, default is 8 bit ) 486ASM.F
GET-FILE-CREATED ( fileid -- system-time ) TOOLSET.F
GET-FILE-MODIFIED ( fileid -- system-time ) ANSFILE.F
GET-FILE-NAME ( -- adr; address for file name ) ANSFILE.F
GET-FILTER-INDEX ( -- n ) xfiledlg.f
GET-FP-SIZE ( get the size of fp operand, default is default-size ) 486ASM.F
GET-FROMPAGE ( -- n1 ) Primutil.f
GET-FROMPAGE ( -- n1 ) xprtdlg.f
GET-FSPACE { zroot \ clus freclus b/sec s/clus -- as bs cs ds } ANSFILE.F
GET-LOCAL-TIME ( -- ) get the local computer date and time Utils.f
GET-MOUSE-POS ( -- x y ) Wined.f
GET-MOUSE-XY { hWnd -- x y } CONTROL.F
GET-OPTIONS { \ number$ -- } Wined.f
GET-ORDER ( -- widn .. wid1 n ) Order.f
GET-PARAMETERS ( -- ) Wined.f
GET-PATH ( -- link) get the path paths.f
GET-PRIORITY ( - priority_class ) TOOLSET.F
GET-TOPAGE ( -- n1 ) Primutil.f
GET-TOPAGE ( -- n1 ) xprtdlg.f
GET-VIEWFILE ( cfa -- cfa loadfile TRUE ) find source for a word Primutil.f
GET1HEXLINE ( -- ) Keysave.f
GET1LINE ( -- ) Keysave.f
GETCLIENTRECT ( - w h ) Opengl.f
GETENVIRONMENTVARIABLE ( zstr-EnvironmentVariable-name buffer n - adr n ) TOOLSET.F
GETFORTHWINDOW ( -- ) get the handle off the forth console window Wined.f
GETIVARREF { selID ^iclass -- ^obj m0cfa } Class.f
GETKILLERS ( -- ^k ) fcp101.f
GETLASTWINERR ( -- n ) build string for error message debugging Fkernel.f
GETLASTWINERR ( -- n ) get last error imageman.f
GETMAXCOLROW ( -- maxcols maxrows ) get maximum window columns Primutil.f
GETMETHOD { \ m0cfa -- m0cfa } CLASSDBG.F
GETPIXELFORMAT ( abs-pfd hdc - flag ) PIXELFRM.F
GETPROCESSID { hWnd -- ProcessID } get ProcessId for given window Wined.f
GETPV ( ply -- ^mv ) fcp101.f
GETPVLEN ( ply -- len ) fcp101.f
GETREF ( selPfa $str -- ^obj m0cfa ) Class.f
GETREGISTRYENTRY ( vadr vlen root-key sadr slen samDesired -- dadr dlen ) TOOLSET.F
GETREGKEY { sadr slen samDesired \ root-key key$ n -- regkey | -1 } opens the key of a section TOOLSET.F
GETROWOFF ( -- n1 ) get the current console row offset Primutil.f
GETSELECT ( -- SelID ) get a selector from the input stream Class.f
GETSETTING ( a1,n1 -- a2 n2 ) a1,n1-key string, a2,n2=value string REGISTRY.F
GLBEGIN ( mode - ) Opengl.f
GLBINDTEXTURE ( target name - ) Opengl.f
GLBLENDFUNC ( sfactor dfactor - ) Opengl.f
GLBLUE Opengl.f
GLCALLLIST ( list - ) Opengl.f
GLCALLLISTS ( n type lists - ) Opengl.f
GLCLEAR ( mask - ) Opengl.f
GLCLEARCOLOR ( f: GLclampf_red GLclampf_green GLclampf_blue GLclampf_alpha - ) Opengl.f
GLCOLOR3F ( f: red green blue - ) Opengl.f
GLCOLORMATERIAL ( face mode - ) Opengl.f
GLDELETELISTS ( list range ) Opengl.f
GLDEPTHRANGE ( f: near far - ) Opengl.f
GLDISABLE ( cap - ) Opengl.f
GLENABLE ( cap - ) Opengl.f
GLEND ( - ) Opengl.f
GLENDLIST ( - ) Opengl.f
GLFINISH ( - ) Opengl.f
GLFLOAT compiletime: ( - >GLfloat ) runtime: ( - ABS-adr.first-GLfloat ) Opengl.f
GLFLOAT! ( a1 -- ) Opengl.f
GLFLUSH ( - ) Opengl.f
GLFOGF ( f: parm ) Opengl.f
GLFOGFV ( pname parm - ) Opengl.f
GLFOGI ( pname parm - ) Opengl.f
GLFRUSTUM ( f: left right bottom top near far -- ) Opengl.f
GLGENLISTS ( range - lists ) Opengl.f
GLGENTEXTURES ( GLsizei *name - ) Opengl.f
GLGETFLOATV ( pname *params - ) Opengl.f
GLGETINTEGERV ( pname *params - ) Opengl.f
GLGREEN Opengl.f
GLHINT ( target mode - ) Opengl.f
GLIN ( - ) Opengl.f
GLINITNAMES ( - ) Opengl.f
GLLIGHTF ( light pname param - ) Opengl.f
GLLIGHTFV ( light pname *param - ) Opengl.f
GLLIGHTMODELFV ( pname *param - ) Opengl.f
GLLINEWIDTH ( f: width - ) Opengl.f
GLLISTBASE ( base - ) Opengl.f
GLLOAD_NAME ( id - ) fcp3d.f
GLLOADNAME ( name - ) Opengl.f
GLMATERIALFV ( face pname param - ) Opengl.f
GLMATRIXMODE ( mode - ) Opengl.f
GLNEWLIST ( list mode - ) Opengl.f
GLNORMAL3F ( nx ny nz - ) Opengl.f
GLOBAL_REF ( --- ) Newlab.f
GLORTHO ( f: left right bottom top near far - ) Opengl.f
GLOUT Opengl.f
GLPIXELSTOREI ( pname param - ) Opengl.f
GLPOLYGONMODE ( face mode - ) Opengl.f
GLPOPMATRIX ( - ) Opengl.f
GLPOPNAME ( - ) Opengl.f
GLPUSHMATRIX ( - ) Opengl.f
GLPUSHMATRIX_GLTRANSLATEF ( f: xt yt zt - ) Opengl.f
GLPUSHNAME ( name - ) Opengl.f
GLREADPIXELS ( f: x y width height - ) Opengl.f
GLRECTF ( f: x1 y1 x2 y2 - ) Opengl.f
GLRED Opengl.f
GLRED3 Opengl.f
GLRENDERMODE ( mode - 0|#sel|val ) Opengl.f
GLROTATEF ( f: deg x y z - ) Opengl.f
GLSCALEF ( f: x y z - ) Opengl.f
GLSELECTBUFFER ( size buffer - ) Opengl.f
GLSHADEMODEL ( mode - ) Opengl.f
GLTEXENVI ( target pname param - ) Opengl.f
GLTEXIMAGE2D ( target level components width height border format type *pixels - ) Opengl.f
GLTEXPARAMETERI ( target pname param - ) Opengl.f
GLTRANSLATEF ( f: x y z - ) Opengl.f
GLTYPE ( addr count base - ) Opengl.f
GLUBEGINCURVE ( *nobj - ) Opengl.f
GLUCYLINDER ( *qobj stacks slices - ) Opengl.f
GLUDISK ( *qobj - ) Opengl.f
GLUENDCURVE ( *nobj - ) Opengl.f
GLULOOKAT ( f: eyex eyey eyez centerx centery centerz upx upy upz -- ) Opengl.f
GLUNEWNURBSRENDERER ( - *nobj ) Opengl.f
GLUNEWQUADRIC ( - qobj ) Opengl.f
GLUNURBSCALLBACK ( *nobj which nurbsError - errorcode ) Opengl.f
GLUNURBSCURVE ( *nobj nknots *knot stride *ctlarray order type - ) Opengl.f
GLUNURBSPROPERTY ( *nobj property - ) Opengl.f
GLUPARTIALDISK ( *qobj - ) Opengl.f
GLUPERSPECTIVE ( f: fovy aspect near far-- ) Opengl.f
GLUPICKMATRIX ( f: x y width height - ) Opengl.f
GLUQUADRICDRAWSTYLE ( qobj style - ) Opengl.f
GLUQUADRICNORMALS ( qobj normals - ) Opengl.f
GLVERTEX2F ( f: x y - ) Opengl.f
GLVERTEX3F ( f: x y z - ) Opengl.f
GLVIEWPORT ( x y width height - ) Opengl.f
GO ask the computer to choose move fcp101.f
GOTO-LINE { \ line$ -- } move cursor to line entered in dialog Wined.f
GP6 ( addr op -- addr' ) DIS486.F
GP7 ( addr op -- addr' ) DIS486.F
GP8 ( addr op -- addr' ) DIS486.F
GPA ( adr op -- adr' ) DIS486.F
GROUP1-COMPILE ( compile group 1 instructions ) 486ASM.F
GROUP2-COMPILE ( compile group 2 instructions ) 486ASM.F
GROUP3-COMPILE ( compile group 3 instructions ) 486ASM.F
GROUP6&7-COMPILE ( compile a group 6 or 7 instruction ) 486ASM.F
GROUP8-COMPILE ( compile a group 8 instruction ) 486ASM.F
GROUPBOX { identifier xpos ypos xsize ysize -- } DIALOGRC.F
GS: ( adr code -- adr' ) DIS486.F

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
Created on June 22nd, 2003 by Dirk Busch.