
\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ Windows Accelerator Table support for Win32Forth
\ Written by Dirk Busch (dbu)
\            eMail:
\ Version 1.0 May 17th, 2003 - 21:30
\ Version 1.1 May 22nd, 2003 - 17:54
\ Version 1.2 June 7th, 2003 - 13:48 changed for Win32Forth Version 4.2
\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

cr .( Windows Accelerator Table support...)

0 value ptrAccelTable    \ Pointer to our accelerator table
0 value AccelTableHandle \ Handle of our accelerator table

\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ helper words
\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ Debug support
\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 value Debug-Accelerator-Table-Support

: Dump-Accelerator-Key-Table { addr -- }
        cr ." Accelerator-Key-Table:"
        addr cell+ addr @ 0
                dup i 10 * +
                dup        8 h.R SPACE
                dup     c@ 2 h.R SPACE
                dup 2 + w@ 4 h.R SPACE
                dup 4 + w@ 4 h.R SPACE
                    6 +  @ >NAME .ID
        loop    drop cr

: Dump-Windows-Accelerator-Key-Table ( addr count -- )
        cr ." Windows-Accelerator-Key-Table:"
        over swap 0
                dup i 6 * +
                dup        8 h.R SPACE
                dup     c@ 2 h.R SPACE
                dup 2 + w@ 4 h.R SPACE
                    4 + w@ 4 h.R SPACE
        loop    2drop cr

\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ compiling accelerator table into dictionary
\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 constant FVIRTKEY \ yet another missing Windows constant

: ACCELTABLE ( -- <-name-> )
        CREATE HERE 0 ,  NOSTACK1 ;

: ACCELENTRY { flags key-code cmd-id xt -- }
        flags FVIRTKEY or FNOINVERT or c, 0 c,
        key-code w, cmd-id w, xt , ;

: ACCELEND ( -- )
        HERE OVER - 10 ( table entry length ) / SWAP ! ;

\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ Create and destroy Windows Accelerator Table
\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Destroy-Accelerator-Table ( -- ) \ destroy's the Windows Accelerator Table
        AccelTableHandle 0<>
        if AccelTableHandle call DestroyAcceleratorTable drop then
        0 to AccelTableHandle
        0 to ptrAccelTable

: Create-Accelerator-Table { addr \ addr2 -- } \ takes the Accelerator-Key-Table and builds a Windows Accelerator Table


\ debug stuff ------
                addr Dump-Accelerator-Key-Table
\ ------------------

        addr to ptrAccelTable

        \ Copy the Accelerator-Key-Table to a buffer
        addr @ 6 * MALLOC to addr2
        addr cell+ addr2                ( addr' addr2 )
        addr @ 0                        ( addr' addr2 do loop )
        do                              ( addr' addr2 )
                2dup 6 cmove
                swap 10 + swap 6 +
        loop    2drop

\ debug stuff ------
                addr2 addr @ Dump-Windows-Accelerator-Key-Table
\ ------------------

        \ Create the Accelerator Table from the global memory handle
        addr @ addr2 rel>abs        ( count addr2 )
        call CreateAcceleratorTable ( hAccelTable )

        \ free buffer
        addr2 RELEASE

        dup to AccelTableHandle
        0= if Destroy-Accelerator-Table then

\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ handle accelerator key
\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Get-Accelerator-Table-Entry { addr cmd-id \ table-offset -- table-offset >= 0 }
        -1 to table-offset
        addr cell+ \ move to first table entry
        addr @ 0
        do      i 10 * 4 + \ addr' offset
                over + w@  \ addr' cmd-id'
                cmd-id =   \ addr' flag
                if i to table-offset leave then
        loop    drop table-offset

: Is-Accelerator-Key ( addr cmd-id -- flag )
        Get-Accelerator-Table-Entry 0 >=

: Get-Accelerator-Key-CFA { addr cmd-id -- cfa }
        addr cmd-id Get-Accelerator-Table-Entry
        10 * 6 + addr cell+ + @

: Handle-Key-Table ( cmd-id -- true | false )
        ptrAccelTable swap
        2dup Is-Accelerator-Key
                execute true
                2drop false

\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ handle windows messages
\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: HandleMessagesEx { pMsg -- 0 }
                pMsg TRUE msg-chain do-chain nip

                        AccelTableHandle 0<>
                                pMsg abs>rel @ \ get the message's HWND
                                Call TranslateAccelerator 0=
                                        pMsg Call TranslateMessage drop
                                        pMsg Call DispatchMessage  drop
                                pMsg Call TranslateMessage drop
                                pMsg Call DispatchMessage  drop
                then    0 ;

1 callback &HandleMessagesEx HandleMessagesEx  \ create the callback for DoForthFunc
&HandleMessagesEx rel>abs &message-callback !

\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ How to use:
\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

\ 1 to Debug-Accelerator-Table-Support \ turn debug-support on

\ 1. define the Word's to be executed by an accelerator key
: handle-alt-a         ( -- ) ;
: handle-ctrl-b        ( -- ) beep ;
: handle-alt-ctrl-c    ( -- ) ;
: handle-alt-ctrl-r    ( -- ) ;

\ 2. Define the accelerator key table
ACCELTABLE Accelerator-Key-Table
\       Flags             (Virt-)Key-Code  Command-ID  CFA
        FALT              'A'              4711        ' handle-alt-a       ACCELENTRY
        FCONTROL          'B'              4712        ' handle-ctrl-b      ACCELENTRY
        FALT FCONTROL or  'C'              4713        ' handle-alt-ctrl-c  ACCELENTRY
        FALT FCONTROL or  'R'              4714        ' handle-alt-ctrl-r  ACCELENTRY
ACCELEND \ mark the end of table

\ 3. init Accelerator Table the support
\ Best place to do is in WM_CREATE-Message-Handler
Accelerator-Key-Table Create-Accelerator-Table

\ 4. later deinit the Accelerator Table support
\ Best place to do is in WM_DESTROY-Message-Handler

\ 5. overwrite OnWmCommand: in your window class with:
:M OnWmCommand: ( hwnd msg wparam lparam -- hwnd msg wparam lparam )
                dup 0=
                        over hiword 1 = \ is accelerator key?
                                \ handle the accelerator key
                                ptrAccelTable 0<>
                                        over LOWORD
                                        Handle-Key-Table drop
                                over LOWORD
                                if      dup DoMenu: CurrentMenu
                                if      dup DoMenu: CurrentPopup
                                then    drop
                then    ;M

\ see AcceleratorTableDemo.f for a working demo

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